by | Apr 20, 2022 | Leslie Talks |
The Centurion [] When working with my clients, my design process always starts with the style, look and color of the floor. For the past three or four years, most of my clients have chosen a wood look for their floors. The wood look creates a...
by | Mar 30, 2022 | Leslie Talks |
The Centurion [] In my design meetings, clients often ask me what is the best type of flooring to use in their store. Majority of clients want real wood but are unaware about the pros and cons. I always recommend designer vinyl over wood. One...
by | Mar 10, 2022 | Leslie Talks |
The Centurion [] When designing a jewelry store, I am often asked about using drapery in other parts of the store in addition to around the windows. Draperies can create an exquisite backdrop for interior walls and comprise a design element...
by | Mar 1, 2022 | Leslie Talks |
INSTORE Jewelry Magazine [] Interior Designer Leslie McGwire, for example, throws most rules out the window when it comes to choosing the style of chandelier that packs a visual punch. She might suggest a traditional crystal chandelier in a modern space...
by | Feb 23, 2022 | Leslie Talks |
The Centurion [] As an interior designer working with jewelry store owners that are ready to plan the redesign or remodel their stores, the goal is to give the best experience to your customers while they shop. The way customers interact with...
by | Feb 10, 2022 | Leslie Talks |
The Centurion [] When remodeling or starting a new building construction, clients often ask me about the use of accessories and decorations to impress their customers. I believe that a jewelry store without accessories is a showroom that lacks...